Supported Child Development Program

We support children from birth to school age (if funding is available, up to 12 years old as well) who need extra support to take part in their preschool, daycare or after school program.

To be eligible for this program, a child must be attending preschool or a childcare program.

All children in our program receive support from our consultants. Some children need extra support to go to their childcare programs. We then (providing funding is available) hire a program assistant for your child. Sometimes we share one program assistant between 2 or 3 children, depending on their needs. Childrens support needs vary, some children have a diagnosis, some need communication help, and some need support when playing with others, or help following routines.

Our caring consultants

  • Can help you with your concerns
  • Can screen your child’s development
  • Suggest activities for your child’s development
  • Lend out toys, equipment, DVD’s, and books to help with your child’s development
  • Work with other services in your child’s support team (e.g., speech, therapies etc.)
  • Provide information, training and support to families and childcare providers to create plans for each child as an individual

Our consultants can also help with any questions you may have about

  • Toilet training
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Movement
  • Behaviours and feelings
  • Getting along with others
  • Feelings

We believe all children should be included in community childcare programs, and that the childcare programs should have the staffing support needed.

Call: 250-833-0164 ext. 2 Email:

Supported Child Development Program
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