Child Care Resource & Referral (CCRR)
Our Goals
- To offer training, services and support in the areas of child care and child development
- To provide child care referrals to parents and child care resources to everybody
- Assist with child care subsidy
Information for Parents
- Child care information & referrals
- Affordable child care benefit assistance
- Parent workshops
- Help parents work from home
Toy Lending Library
Information for Child Care Providers…
Benefits being with CCRR
- Parent referrals to your child care
- Support and on site activity visits
- Assistance with Affordable Child Care Benefits
- Higher Affordable Child Care Benefit (RLNR only)
- Use of early learning equipment, toys and resource material at our toy library
- E-bulletin updates
- Professional development opportunities with workshops and training
- Child Care centre support network and social events
- Information on business start up, program planning and curriculum development
- Ages and Stages questionnaire support and training
- Visuals and Board Maker help at our office
- Internet access at our office
For more information about the CCRR program, visit
Call: 250-832-4191 Email: